Our experts work closely with our clients to help them understand and evaluate all of their options when it comes to their workers’ compensation case. We understand how the pain and stress of a work-related injury can feel overwhelming – because of this, we are committed to helping injured workers throughout Upstate New York and the Rochester area. We will do everything within the scope of the law to help you receive the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve! Regardless of how your work injury happened, the attorneys at Rinere & Rinere, LLP will study the facts and laws to help you achieve the best possible results.
What is workers' compensation?
Workers’ Compensation is a no-fault system that is designed to provide benefits to the injured worker/employee. These benefits include payment for lost wages and for medical bills.
When should I obtain an attorney?
You should obtain an attorney for Workers’ Compensation when ever you have a serious injury. The insurance company represents your employer and they are instructed to pay out the smallest amount of benefits possible. Whenever you have a serious injury, you are entitled to a significant amount of benefits, not only for lost wages, but for medical bills as well. Your Workers’ Compensation Attorney is experienced in dealing with the insurance company, and will represent you. We will work on your behalf and fight hard for you to achieve the maximum amount of benefits on your behalf.
Is There a Free Consultation?
Yes, there is always a free consultation.
How does my Attorney get paid?
Generally your Workers’ Compensation attorney only gets paid if you get paid. Your attorney will receive compensation from the Workers’ Compensation benefits that are obtained on your behalf. You will never be sent a bill, or charged to pay an attorney’s fee out of pocket. Your attorney is on your side in this matter and is in this fight together with you, working on your behalf and for you.
What actions should I take?
You should immediately contact our office at the above referenced telephone number and set up an appointment with one of our Workers’ Compensation attorneys.